Friday, 29 May 2009

The King of Trolls

OH the thrill! The inexplicable sensation of delight that the latest post by the self proclaimed King of Trolls invoked in Zoltan. What a privilege to have an entire post dedicated to the Holy Highness. It almost renders Zoltan speechless. Almost.

Zoltan is concerned at the King's fear of being usurped as the Sovereign Troll by the Holy Highness himself. Not so, your Grace, your fears are unfounded. Please be reassured by the fact that Zoltan looks nothing like a troll and on the contrary is extraordinarily good looking, quick witted, charming and well mannered and is not particularly partial to living under a bridge.

Apart from this Zoltan is well aware that the Holy Highness cannot approximate the accomplished capabilities of the noble, aristocratic King Troll and would not even attempt to imitate his exceptional vocabulary or manipulation of the English language.

Banish those nasty insecurities Sire, the troll crown is undisputably yours!


Anonymous said...

grandpappy padashow will have to get used to the better looking version.

odesandthings said...

I say your holy highness... crowning piece of work I must say! *bows and hands Zoltan a macadamia nut of the most expensive variety*

The Padashow said...

Hey, Padashow is reborn at The Padashow,
Showing Padashow Pa now!